• Kim Hyun-gu (1889-1967): U.S. Diplomatic Commissioner

    Kim Hyun-gu (1889-1967): U.S. Diplomatic Commissioner

    Read in Korean Born in Okcheon, Chungbuk, Kim Hyun-gu studied at Yangjeong School and Boseong Middle School, where he became a member of the Enlightenment Movement organization, the Jaeganghoe. He moved to the United States in April 1909 for his studies and enrolled in Hastings Boys’ Military School, founded by Park Yong-man, where he received…

  • Kim Jong-rim (1884-1973): A Big Player Known as the “Rice King”

    Kim Jong-rim (1884-1973): A Big Player Known as the “Rice King”

    Read in Korean Kim Jong-rim earned the nickname “Rice King” for being the largest landowner among Koreans at the time, cultivating vast amounts of rice and making a significant fortune. With his earnings, he donated substantial amounts to various needs within the Korean community, as well as to the independence movement, and established a flight…

  • Kim Won-yong (1896-1976): A Testimony to History

    Kim Won-yong (1896-1976): A Testimony to History

    Read in Korean Seo-ho Kim Won-yong came to the United States from Shanghai, China, in May 1917 for his studies, but initially delayed his education to participate in patriotic movements. While studying at a university in Ohio, he participated as a founding representative in the Korean Student Association meeting held in San Francisco in April…

  • Kim Sung-kwon (1875–1960): A Writer Who Carried on the Spirit of Dosan

    Kim Sung-kwon (1875–1960): A Writer Who Carried on the Spirit of Dosan

    Read in Korean In 1904, at the age of 29, he arrived at a Hawaiian sugarcane plantation. Since he was not naturally suited for physical labor, he struggled. Seeing this, his friend Kang Young-so helped him open a small store at the Ewa Plantation in Hawaii. He sold farming tools and food, but faced difficulties,…

  • Kim (Cha) Mirisa (1880–1955): First Women’s Organization Leader in Korean-American History

    Kim (Cha) Mirisa (1880–1955): First Women’s Organization Leader in Korean-American History

    Read in Korean Kim Mirisa received a thorough home education from her father as a child. At the age of 19, she became a widow with a daughter but overcame hardships through her Christian faith, which she embraced after attending church. She pursued theological studies in China for four years before coming to San Francisco,…

  • Kim Gyu-sik (1881 – 1950): Active as a representative at the Paris Peace Conference

    Kim Gyu-sik (1881 – 1950): Active as a representative at the Paris Peace Conference

    Read in Korean Born in Gyeongnam, he went to study in the United States in 1897, where he studied literature at Roanoke University and completed his master’s degree at Princeton University in 1904. After returning to Korea in 1905, he served as the secretary-general of the Gyeongseong Youth Association and concurrently held positions as the…

  • 홍언(1880-1951):시조와 문장의 대가

    ‘동해수부’라는 필명을 가지고 있던 홍언은 서울에서 출생했다. 문예에 소질이 있던 선비로 공부를 목적으로 1905년 하와이로 이민 왔다. 1906년 하와이에서 ‘자강회 월보’와 1907년 하와이 24개 단체를 합쳐 한인합성협회를 조직하고 기관지 한인합성신보의 주필이 되었다. 또한 ‘신한국보’주필이 되어 동포들의 실력향상과 교육 장려를 위해 노력했다. 샌프란시스코에 와서는 대한인국민회 중앙총회 부회장으로 봉사했으며 1908년부터 4년 동안 신한민보 주필로 일했다. 신한민보에 동해수부라는…

  • 한장호(1893-1994):미주 공군부대 창설에 기여

    평양의 부유한 집에서 태어난 한장호는 일생을 한국의 독립을 위하여 싸우다가 샌프란시스코 근교 밀벨리에서 100세에 사망하였다. 19세에 일제의 압박에 못 이겨 할아버지가 챙겨주는 돈과 옷을 가지고 한 밤중에 부모에게 작별인사도 못하고 도망을 하였는데 다시는 부모를 만나지 못했다. 1913년 상해로 가서 민족운동에 투신하기 위해 미국으로 오기 위한 여비 마련을 위해 2년을 그곳에서 일했다. 1916년 샌프란시스코 앤젤 아일랜드에…