San Francisco 1920- The Trial of Three Gunshots
Read in KoreanRead the previous story: [Three Gunshots]Read the prvious story: [After Three Gunshots] History of the Independence Movement in San Francisco Jeon Myung-woon’s Statement Jeon Myung-woon, who is currently hospitalized, spoke to reporters who visited him, stating, “Stevens is a man who came to lie about Korea, and the Japanese are stealing Korea’s wealth…
San Francisco 1920: After the Three Gunshots
Read in KoreanRead the previous story: [Three Gunshots] Most of the people present at the scene were white. They shouted, “Kill those two!”, “Hang them!”, and “Execute those Asian devils!” In response, Korean representative Lee Hak-hyun yelled, “We who live in San Francisco are victims of the barbaric Japanese Empire, and this matter is akin…
San Francisco 1920: The Korean American Independence Movement and Military School
Read in Korean History of the Independence Movement in San Francisco The Korean community in America autonomously organized the Korean National Association (대한인국민회) in February 1909, aiming to achieve their homeland’s independence. During the Russo-Japanese War, Japanese troops, referred to as the ‘Korean Army in Korea,’ returned to Japan and, under the pretext of financial…
San Francisco 1920: The Willows Aviation Corps
Read in Korean History of the Independence Movement in San Francisco: The Redwood City Aviation School was an aviation school located about 20 miles south of San Francisco in Redwood City. It was started in 1916 by Kristo Persson, who died in a plane crash just four months after opening the school at the age…
San Francisco 1920:Who is Japan Anyway?
Read in Korean 3 The History of Independence Movements in San Francisco: On February 15, 1906, the Japanese Empire had the Korean government issue a proclamation stating, “Koreans abroad, wherever they are, should receive protection from Japanese consuls.” Korean immigrants in America strongly opposed this Japanese scheme. Joint resolutions rejecting the protection of Japanese consuls…
샌프란시스코 독립운동사:일본이 무엇이 관데
Read in English 1906년 2월 15일 일제는 한국정부로 하여금 “해외한인은 어느 곳에 있든지 일본 영사의 보호를 받으라.”는 포고를 내리게 했다. 미주 한인들은 이러한 일제의 책략에 반발했다. 하와이 ‘애와친목회’와 샌프란시스코 공립협회 명의로 일본 영사의 보호를 거부한다는 공동 결의문을 채택했다. 한국을 지배하기 시작한 일본에 대한 미주 한인들의 분노는 항일, 배일 운동으로 이어졌다. 처음에는 산발적으로 지역별로, 단체별로 주도했던…
San Francisco 1920: Three Gunshots
Read in Korean 1 The History of Independence Movements in San Francisco On March 23, 1908, at the San Francisco Ferry Terminal, the incident where Jang In-hwan and Jeon Myung-woon assassinated Stevens became a pivotal moment, showcasing the Korean people’s spirit of freedom and anti-Japanese sentiment to the world. For the Korean community in America,…
샌프란시스코 독립운동사 – 장인환 의사
Read in English 장인환 의사(1876-1930): 1876년 3월 10일 평북 선천에서 출생한 의사는 어머니는 6살에 아버지는 16살 때 일찍이 양친을 여의었다. 소학교를 마친 뒤 상점점원으로 일하다 1895년에는 평양에서 상점을 경영하였는데 실패하였다. 국세가 기우는 것을 개탄하고 국가중신들이 일제에 아부하여 국사를 돌보지 않는 것을 보고 미주에 유학하여 국치를 씻겠다고 1904년 2월 28세에 하와이 코알라농장으로 노동이민을 하였다. 1906년 7월…